Wednesday, August 18, 2010

happily everafter.....

My daughter is on the threshold of marriage, and my head is full of advice – do this and don’t do that.

As though by following these she will sail smoothly through her marriage. As if it is that simple. As if there was a formula for success.

As if I followed all the rules.

I didn’t. I probably broke every rule in the book. And see where it has landed me – married to the same man for 28 years, squabbling, nagging, finding fault, not seeing eye to eye on anything except in defiance, but not willing to exchange places with anyone else .Would like to believe that the spouse feels the same way (known devil is better than.....)

I tell myself, my daughter too will find her place in his heart and mind, grow to love the idiosyncrasies, stand up for her rights and opinions, be the co-navigator, the wind beneath his wings and live through all the highs and lows together everafter.


  1. apt and reassuring at a time when weddings are a big affair and worked hard at,but marriages are ttreated as dispensable...

  2. Yes the focus of everything today has shifted to the external. Marriages have to be worked hard at and I hope the young ones realise this.
